Reason how we can help making School photos easy and effortless
We at Open Image understand the demand and pressure of schools, and there is no time to waist when it come to school photos. With over 20 years of experience we can offer you the following:
Online System
- No more envelopes or teachers to handle cash.
- All orders are done online and paid directly in to our account
- Parents receive an order conformation, and a payment conformation. Both the parent and Open Image has proof and there is no more mishaps of payments or photos not received.
- Online photos are password protected, and will be removed after orders has been completed.
- There will be a cut off date for parents to order to ensure there is no running up and down for the school, and to be has effective as possible. Once the cutoff date has been reached, that section of ordering will be closed and the photos will be removed online.
- Parents can view the photos online, choose the package and additional extras like key-rings, mugs, ect. There is no obligation for any parent to order and pay for any photos if they don’t want to.
- Only photos that has been paid for will be printed and delivered to the school.
Parent Communication
- All queries will be dealt with between Open Image and the Parent to avoid added admin for the school.
- Open Image will inform parents of delivery date to avoid any enquiries to the school
Delivery of Photos
- Photos will be packed in a sleeve with the order conformation.
- All photos will be packed according to grade and class and clearly marked so it can be handed to the correct class teacher.
- Photo packs will be delivered to school on a set date communicated to both the school and parents.
- Choose from any of our set packages
- We also offer custom packages, too suite the need of any school.
What does the school get?
- All staff photos are free when using Open Image to do school photos
- This includes individual photos and staff group photos
- Digital copies of the photos available for school to use for marketing, yearbook ect.
- We offer help/guidance/teachings for the camera club and love to equip the young students for a better knowledge of taking photos.
- We offer fundraising support where the school can get a percentage of all packages sold.



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